Transformation Directorate

Data and Analytics Partnership Gateway

Welcome to the Data and Analytics Partnership Gateway, which contains a wealth of useful information, tools, training and forums to support data and analytics professionals.

Developed in collaboration with our strategic partners, the gateway is kept up to date with the latest developments and thinking in the data and analytics field.

The gateway can be navigated using the themes below

Image showing data complexity and linkage

NHS Data and Analytics Academy

Supporting the development of data and analytics skills in the data workforce, and the development of data confidence in the wider community.

  • Image showing data complexity and linkage

    Analytics Unit

    Improving the use of data and analytics across the health and social care system

  • AnalystX Observatory

    AnalystX Observatory

    Read about the AnalystX Observatory State of the Nation survey and how we are painting a national picture on data and analytical professional teams.

  • Competency framework development

    Competency framework development

    Read about our work to develop a robust competency framework that supports those working in the field as well as organisations across the health and care sector.

  • Dots

    Key updates

    The place to go to to read about some of the key developments in the field of data analytics.

  • Reading data on a computer


    Where to go to find out more about data and analysis as a profession.

  • Computer keyboard

    Career progression

    Find out about professional development pathways, development schemes on offer and job opportunities.

  • Library

    Learning and development

    Information on the various learning and development opportunities available through our partner organisations.

  • Digital background

    Networking and engagement

    Connect with other members of the profession.

  • People talking with laptop

    Knowledge sharing

    Access libraries, case studies and blogs.

These are some of the organisations with which we work closely:


AnalystX is a platform provided by NHS England. It connects and empowers data and analytics communities across the health and care system, providing a safe space for professionals to collaborate. Its aim is to change the way data and analytics professionals work together to deliver analysis and insight to provide a single version of the truth, in a rapidly evolving situation.

AphA (Association of professional healthcare analysts)

AphA aims to raise the profile of and represent the voice of health and care analysts as recognised and respected industry professionals and experts. This is done through providing a professional framework and an established support network.

NHS-R Community

NHS-R is an open-source programming language, a powerful, free open source data science and statistics environment. It is used in industry, academia and major corporations. Its use within the NHS is patchy. The NHS-R community aims to support the learning, application and exploitation of R within the NHS.

Health Education England

Health Education England (HEE) supports the delivery of excellent healthcare and improvement to patients and the public across England. Its goal is to deliver the best possible future workforce to meet tomorrow's health and care needs.

Feedback and suggestions

If you have any feedback regarding this gateway site or suggestions for content, then please do email us at