Transformation Directorate

Action notes - Thursday 14 March 2024

Published 17 May 2024

Date: Thursday 14 March 2024

Time: 9:30am to 11:00am

Location: MS Teams Dial in


Attendees Organisation/department
Nicola Hamilton Understanding Patient Data (CHAIR)
Lay member Independent member
Lay member Independent member
Lay member Independent member
Lay member Independent member
Lay member Independent member
Eileen Phillips National Data Guardian
Liz Perraudin Association of Medical Research Charities
Head of Delivery- Digital Oversight Department of Health and Social Care
SEO Department of Health and Social Care
Head of Communication and Engagement, FDP NHS England
Lay member Independent member
Communication and Engagement Manager NHS England
Project Manager NHS England
Project Manager NHS England
Project Manager NHS England
Head of Information Governance ( IG)– FDP NHS England


Time Agenda item Owner
09:30 Introductions Chair
09:35 Review of previous minutes and declaration of interest Chair
09:37 Confirm contract renewal with panels Chair
09:40 Public deliberation on COPI changes continued DHSC - Head of delivery/SEO
10:35 Break All
10:40 Federated Data Platform Head of Communication and Engagement, FDP
11:00 Any other business Chair

Agenda items/minutes/action notes


Panel members were welcomed to the meeting by the Chair, who also ran through the agenda.

Review of previous meeting’s action notes and declaration of interest

The action notes from the previous meeting were approved for publication and no conflict of interests were raised.

Confirm Contract Renewal with Panels

The group were asked to consider if they wished to continue on the panel. Members asked to inform NHS England of their decision.

Public Deliberation on COPI changes continued

COPI changes were presented to the panel in February, key findings were that it was agreed the slides were too long and too detailed. The slides were refined and sent to the panel for review. The panel were thanked for their valuable feedback which have been applied to the revised slides.

The updated slides were presented to the panel, an introduction slide has been added based on feedback from the panel.

COPI applies to data so that it can be safely and legally used.

A large-scale engagement exercise on data will be commencing in May and will last for the whole year.

Each cohort of engagement will included deliberations, each involving 120 people from around the country to talk about the issues over three days. Inclusive engagement will also be part of the engagement programme, which will be run in smaller sessions. Three cohorts of engagement will be run over the year, with each cohort on a different topic.

COPI will likely be covered in a session with opt out, most likely in the late summer. Clear and concise questions will be asked which will help shape the decisions around COPI.

Confirmed that a range of materials will be prepared to meet all identified accessibility requirements.

Independent oversight will be the focus of the deliberation discussions.

Key feedback from panel members included:

  • Include research examples where proposed changes to COPI notices may apply
  • Use of plain English e.g. understanding of regulations vs law. Examples support this.

The panel were thanked for their discussion and valuable and helpful feedback which will be incorporated into the next version and brought back to the group in the summer, after some additional focus groups.

Federated Data Platform

Apologies were extended to the panel for the lateness in sending out the updated web content for FDP and the FDP privacy notice. These documents are live with the opportunity to refine on an ongoing basis.

The Federated Data Platform will be operationally live in the next week or so, the information governance must be completed prior to go live.

The web content begins with a high-level summary, all sections are now expandable by clicking on each heading.

The Overarching FDP Privacy Notice will sit alongside FDP product Privacy Notices , once PET starts to process personal confidential data, PET Overarching Privacy Notice will be added. It consists of in-depth information on how data will be used in the system.

At a future date there will be product privacy notices along with a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA).

The panel agreed with the approach to layering information.

The panel were thanked for their feedback and asked to send any further feedback to Head of Communication and Engagement, FDP.


Eileen Philips from the National Data Guardian panel is stepping down, a replacement representative will attend from the next meeting.

Action: Head of Communications and Engagement, FDP to enquire when the next timesheet submission is and share the date with the panel.