Transformation Directorate

Meeting minutes - December 2022

Published 4 January 2024

Date: 15 December 2022

Time: 15:30 - 17:00

Venue: MS Teams

Chair: Louise Greenrod (Deputy Director - Data Policy and Digital Oversight, Joint Digital Policy Unit)


Ryan Avison (Head of the Office of the National Data Guardian - attending on behalf of Dr Nicola Byrne)

Chris Carrigan (Expert Data Advisor, Use MY Data)

Matt Hennessey (Regional System rep, Greater Manchester Health Social Care Partnership)

Louis Holmes (Policy Manager, Care England)

Helen-Stokes Lampard (Chair of Academy of Medical Royal Colleges)

Philippa Lynch (Senior Data Specialist, Local Government Association)

Nicola Perrin (Chief Executive, Association of Medical Research Charities)

Linn Philips (NHS Patient and Public Voice Partner)

Ayub Bharat (Director of Insight and Data Platforms, Office of Chief Data and Analytics Officer, NHS England)

Head of Data Strategy (Joint Digital Policy Unit)

Senior Policy Advisor (Data Policy Team, Joint Digital Policy Unit)

Head of Behavioural Science Team (NHS England)


Dr Nicola Byrne (National Data Guardian for Health and Care)

Marc Farr (Regional system representative, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust)

Michelle Thompson (NHS patient and public voice partner)



3.01: Add dates and steps towards progress to actions (Data Strategy Team)

3.02: Share forward looks for agenda themes with group (Data Strategy Team)

3.03: Contact Head of Data Strategy with any further thoughts on questions posed in the ‘Key Commitments for NDAG’ paper or during the commitment delivery update (Members)

3.04: Return to group to seek views on options for patient and public engagement (Data Strategy Team)

3.05: Continue to feedback on National Data Opt-Out behavioural science interventions via email or Google Jamboard. Contact Behavioural Science Team if able to directly, or through networks, offer further input (Members)

3.06: Return to group with further detail on plans for opt-out and time frame (Senior Policy advisor)

Item 1: Welcome and introductions

Louise Greenrod (LG) opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.

Item 2: Actions and Wider update

The action log was shared prior to meeting.

Update on Action 2.03. Have discussed with the Information Governance team and specific examples would be useful so this can be addressed.

Example given by the group

  • Policy instruction around having SDEs for R&D and longitudinal linked data sets, to deliver this need to meet IG requirements (CAG, ethics etc) and these seem to happen independently. Could be useful to have a ‘bulk’ application approach.
  • MH has met with Claire Bloomfield's team to discuss this.

Action 3.01: Add dates and steps towards progress to actions.

Action 3.02: Share forward looks for agenda themes with group.

Item 3: Commitment Delivery Update

A paper was shared prior to the meeting outlining key commitments most relevant to the NDAG, ordered by deadline. Specific commitments related to the theme of this meeting, ‘data sharing and choice’, were highlighted for discussion.

The Head of Data Strategy presented – giving an overview of our response to the groups feedback on this item from the previous meeting, including that we have taken a more strategic approach to selecting commitments for discussion with the group and have worked with commitment owners to provide more granularity in the delivery updates. Additionally, highlighting that across all 102 commitments in the data strategy, one third have been delivered already, just under one third are on track and just over one third are at risk/delayed.

Discussion with the group around the highlighted commitments, grouped into trust and transparency, public and patient engagement, and information governance.

Discussion focussed on the transparency hub commitment, suggesting we engage with Understanding Patient Data on this work, and our plans for public engagement. The group reflected that in order to weigh up whether a national or regional approach would be better, we need to first be clear about what we are trying to achieve; in particular whether we engaging to increase understanding of intended plans or engaging to seek views and input to shape plans. The group also highlighted that there is an opportunity to do more to showcase the benefits of data use.

Any further thoughts on the questions posed in the paper, please email Head of Data Strategy

Action 3.03: Contact Head of Data Strategy with any further thoughts on questions posed in the ‘Key Commitments for NDAG’ paper or during the commitment delivery update.

Action 3.04: Return to group to seek views on options for patient and public engagement.

Item 4: Federated Data Platform

Ayub Bhayat (AB) presented – giving an overview of the Federated Data Platform (FDP) and explaining that it is our attempt to design a technical solution that brings information together to drive decision making and provide operational capabilities and tools. He also outlined the five core use cases, which focus on key NHS priorities.

  1. Population health and person insight
  2. Care coordination
  3. Supply chain
  4. Vaccination and immunisation
  5. Elective recovery.

Highlighted that the team are doing a lot of engagement at the moment and trying to warm up the system as to what's coming their way. Would welcome the groups views on engagement approaches and suggestions of other forums to present at.

Discussion focussed on GP data and its scope within the FDP – GP data will be present at the system level but not the national level, the controls in place to restrict who can access the data, the need to ensure adult social care has appropriate access to the data it needs, and the need minimise duplication whilst ensuring 1 single version of the truth.

Item 5: National Data Opt-Out

Senior Policy Advisor (Data Policy Team) presented – giving an overview of the background around the commitment in the data strategy to simplify the opt-out system before handing over to colleagues from the Behavioural Science Team at NHS England who presented potential interventions aimed to help people make informed decisions when they’re on the National Data Opt Out website, asking the group for feedback.

Please get in touch with the Behavioural Science Team if you or your networks are able to offer further advice.

As well as discussion on the interventions presented (and documented in the jamboard), discussion focussed on understanding the wider context of work on the opt-out and the planned timescales.

Action 3.05: Continue to feedback on National Data Opt-Out Behavioural science interventions via email or Google Jamboard. Contact Behavioural Science Team if able to directly, or through networks, offer further input.

Action 3.06: Return to group with further detail on plans for opt-out and time frame.

Item 6: AOB and CLOSE

Next meeting will take place on February 9 2023, 14:30-16:00.

Following meetings:

  • March 22nd, 14:30-16:00
  • w/c 1st May, date/time TBC
  • w/c 12th June, date/time TBC

LG thanked attendees and closed the meeting.

Slides and minutes will be circulated.