Setting out "What Good Looks Like" for digital transformation
Setting out "What Good Looks Like" for digital transformation
Dr Owen Williams OBE, chief exec at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, explains why our What Good Looks Like framework will help leaders, systems, staff and patients.
Video transcript
Setting out "What good looks like" for digital transformation.
Dr Owen Williams:
"The what good looks like framework will be very important in terms of patient care, empowerment and well-being. As not only does it place emphasis on bold leadership but it provides for a helpful roadmap for those organisational or system leaders who are perhaps less au fait with digital and the difference that it can make for patients and staff alike.
"More broadly the framework extends leadership thinking on the benefits of digital beyond the walls of NHS buildings which house patients and starts to influence what we mean not just in terms of improved pathways for elective recovery but also what this should mean in terms of economic recovery and our role as anchor institutions into the future.
"This is an important aspect of the What Good Looks Like framework, because we know their is work to do in our communities, particularly when it comes to minimising digital exclusion. For example, we know that to participate effectively online individuals need devices on which to access the internet, affordable and reliable data and connections, and skills and motivation to use these safely.
"According to the DCMS, in the UK 1.9 million households, or approximately 7% of the population, do not have internet access, and 11.9 million people lack the digital skills government considers essential for going online.
"If adoption and implementation of the What Good Looks Like framework proves successful, then we should see more coherent patient facing digital services nationally and locally, with patients having access to better self-serve opportunities such as self triage, referral bookings, condition management advice and guidance."