Transformation Directorate

Minutes Wednesday 11 March 2020

1pm to 3pm

Skipton House, London 6C1, and Quarry House, Leeds 7E04


Name Representing Role
Kathy Hall, Chair (KH) NHSX Director of Technology and Data Strategy
Dame Fiona Caldicott (DFC) National Data Guardian National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care
Jackie Gray, Deputy Chair (JG) NHS Digital Executive Director of IG
David Evans (DE) NHSX IG Policy Lead
Juliet Tizzard (JT) Health Research Authority Director of Policy
Simon Richardson (SR) Care Quality Commission Information Rights Manager
Dr Tony Calland (TC) Confidentiality Advisory Group Chair of Confidentiality Advisory Group
Ian Hulme (IH) Information Commissioner’s Office Director of Regulatory Assurance
Vicki Beresford (VB) NHSX IG Policy Manager
Sally Chapman (SC) NHSX IG Policy Project Manager


Name Representing Role
Dawn Monaghan (DM) NHSX Head of IG Policy
Dr Robert Kyffin (RK) Public Health England Data & Information Policy and Partnerships Lead
Professor Jo Martin (JM) Academy of Medical Royal Colleges President of the Royal College of Pathologists



Welcome and Introductions

KH welcomed members to the meeting.

Apologies noted from DM, RK, JM, SM.


Minutes and Actions from previous meeting

Minutes - paper 01a

The Panel members and Chair agreed and signed off minutes. DFC advised that the Joint Statement has not been signed off in February as planned and that the timing may now be wrong to publish.

Actions - paper 01b

SC presented the Action Log, which was agreed by Panel members.

JG gave an update on the action relating to branding, with discussion the Panel  agreed to the need for a further meeting with the NHSX’s Communications Team.


Pseudonymised data - paper 01c

DE presented the outlining issues around pseudonymisation and the legal status of information which has undergone pseudonymisation.

The Panel was asked to consider and discuss the issues raised in the paper which were the outcome of the working group on pseudonymisation.

The Panel agreed that a smaller working group will consider the issues, requesting that DE bring the paper back to the July panel.


Information Governance Red Tape Challenge - paper 02

VB  presented the paper which sets out the principles and processes for the Information Governance Red Tape Challenge.

The Panel were asked to discuss, consider and approve the principles, processes and proposed approach to the launch.

The Panel advised that due to COVID-19 the launch was likely to be delayed. The panel requested a paper to be presented at the next meeting with revision of the title, list of priorities and launch dates.


FOI - paper 03

VB presented the paper which provides an overview of the process for handling Freedom of Information (FOI) requests relating to the Health and Care Information Governance Panel.

The Panel was requested to note the process for managing FOIs.

There was a discussion about the publication of minutes and agendas, noting to identify on each agenda when information is potentially exempt.


Routine items of guidance

Guidance log - paper 04a

VB presented the log, and a discussion was held about the  priority ratings.

The Panel approved the paper with comments to note deadlines, and that the log would be presented to the Panel each month.

Risk register - paper 04b

SC presented the register asking the Panel to feed back comments directly via email.



DFC gave an update of the work of the NDG to revise and augment the Caldicott Principles and requested bringing this as an agenda item to the next meeting in May.

KH gave an update on the response to COVID-19.

Date of next meeting, May 13 2020